Quilty Notes & Updates from La Bizarra Keepsake Quilts
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Cosmic Octopus Crush quilt
I have had the pleasure of testing patterns for Morgan over at Modernly Morgan a few times now. Pattern testers make quilts from a pattern draft to give feedback on the ease of the pattern, the math, proofreading the copy, etc.
Summer Sampler 2019
If you’re a quilt enthusiast, and you follow the various quilters of Instagram (quiltstagram), you might start to think that quilt makers just churn these puppies out, a quilt in a day, 10 quilts a month.
Circle of Friends quilt
I don’t often make quilts that are intended for me to keep. Sometimes I fall in love with a quilt and keep it for myself, but there are only so many quilts that a family in Southern California needs in one house. But this is a bee quilt!
Maximum Halloween
If I could have crammed more Halloween into this quilt, I would have. This is all the Halloween that fits.
Airstream Road Trip Quilt
Even as I pulled out fabrics for this project, long before it was born, I had a picture in my head of one of those vintage Airstream trailers that I’ve made whole Pinterest boards about, even though I will never own one. Like a little gnome hut, made of chrome, my fantasy Airstream was cherry red with lots of glossy oak finishes inside.
Moon Bunnies Quilt
Today I want to share the Moon Bunnies quilt that I made using beautiful Art Gallery fabrics, mostly from collections designed by Maureen Cracknell, whose moon bunny print from her Nightfall collection was the central inspiration.